Jones County
Development Authority

Stimulating Business Growth in Jones County

Local Work Force Stats


of Jones County’s population is between the ages of 18 and 65.

of the population are high school graduates or higher.

have completed some college, Bachelors, or Graduate degrees.


of residents live in households with an avg income >$55K.

Located on GA Highway 57

7 Miles From Macon

4 Lane Access to I-16 & I-75


Industrial Park

Available Buildings & Sites

Griswoldville Park

We have the location and the man power you need to be successful.


The Development Authority of Jones County welcomes you! Our county is located in Middle Georgia where you will find a dynamic, educated workforce, a local government committed to progress, and a welcoming community affording a high quality of life and an excellent place to call home. Jones County is a GREAT place to do business.

The Development Authority Meets Regularly on the 4th Thursday of the month.